Ice plant is a hardy, succulent groundcover with daisy-like flowers. Its foliage gives it a fun texture and can turn red during the winter months. It comes in 2 colors, Purple (shown) and Yellow. An especially nice addition to rock gardens Scientific … Continue reading

Sedum is a popular succulent with a spreading habit. Red, white, or yellow blooms appear anytime from May through September depending on the cultivar. In addition to blooms, sedums offer many textures and colors of foliage from shiny red to soft silver. It makes a … Continue reading →

Thyme is a hardy perennial groundcover with tiny green to grayish leaves. It is a nice addition to rock gardens, planted between stepping stones, or as a lawn alternative. It’s many tiny flowers bloom June through August in shades of pink, lavender, and white. … Continue reading →
Sweet Woodruff

A great spreading groundcover for shady and dry sites, Sweet Woodruff has fragrant white flowers that bloom in April and June. It is a good addition to any shady landscape. Scientific Name: Galium odoratum Height: 6-12″ Spread: 18-24″ Water Usage: Low

Dianthus grows in silvery mounds of grass-like leaves that complement bright blooms in pink, red, and white. Scientific Name: Dianthus spp. Exposure: Full Sun Height: 6-24″ Spread: 8-24″ Water Usage: Medium

Yarrow is an attractive and hardy perennial. It has silvery or green, fernlike leaves that are aromatic with flat clusters of flowers on the top. Yarrow will bloom from May to September in bright shades of pink, red, yellow, or white. Scientific Name: … Continue reading →

Lavender is a great shrub for defining a garden or for border plantings. Its aromatic foliage and colorful purple and blue blooms make it a timeless favorite. Lavender is resistant to deer, drought, and heat. Scientific Name: Lavandula spp. Exposure: Full … Continue reading →

Vinca/Periwinkle is an ideal spreading groundcover for the shady areas under trees and shrubs. It has nice glossy, green foliage and small bluish-purple flowers. Scientific Name: Vinca minor cvs. Exposure: Full to Partial Sun Height: 4-6″ Spread: 24-48″ Water Usage: … Continue reading →

The peony is one of the most beloved perennials. They are known for their large and fragrant blooms that can be up to 10″ wide. Peonies grow pretty fast during the spring, forming a green mound, and they flower in early summer. … Continue reading →

Hostas add interest to shade gardens and are prized for their colorful foliage. Leaves vary in color, texture, and variegation. Scientific Name: Hosta spp. and hybrids Exposure: Partial to Full Shade Height: 6-36″ Spread: 1-3′ Water Usage: Medium